Monday, January 4, 2010

How Can I Learn To Read Poker Tells?

As most of you probably know, a person that can tell another persons "tells" are considered to be the most skilled player. A tell is any physical reaction to a hand. For example, maybe you have played with someone that coughs every time they have a good hand, or someone else that "shifts" in their chair when they have a bad hand - this is a tell! If you learn these tells then you can ultimately make better decisions in the game and hopefully win more money! There is a whole slew of them so here are just a few of the top ones!

If a player is caught glancing at his poker chips or the actual poker casino tables - chances are they have a good hand and are trying to figure out how much they should bet. If a player stares you down and tries to "scare" you, he probably has a weak hand and is trying to make himself feel dominate over you! If a player takes a long time to call or to make a bet, he or she is probably calculating the pot in their head trying to figure out if its worth it and if he or she has the cards they need to draw a completed hand!

Remember, a lot of experienced players will purposely throw off "false tells" to confuse YOU, so it's always a good idea to find out if a player is a novice or a pro before you even play them! To find some of out top rated poker chips and casino poker tables, visit


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BodyLab said...

I'm a copier lease guy not a card shark, but my 3yr old noticed cards were missing from the deck that was left out on the table today, I'm totally thinking "rainman" at this point and vegas!

Unknown said...

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Learn how to play poker online at Pokabunga.

Unknown said...

Thank You a ton for writing such a wonderful piece of information. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well.
Learn how to play poker online at Pokabunga.