Above is Wilbert Cantley (left) with Roger Baldwin (center) and James McDermott (right) after their induction into the Blackjack Hall of Fame. Missing from the picture is Herbert Maisel... so who are these guys?
That's right, the Four Horsemen of Aberdeen... the Blackjack mathematicians who never tried to beat the casino or become rich from gambling. They just wanted to understand Blackjack. According to the Washington Post:
"From their research, the mathematicians wrote a 1956 article for the Journal of the American Statistical Association, "The Optimum Strategy in Blackjack," and in 1957 published a small book, "Playing Blackjack to Win: A New Strategy for the Game of 21," which became one of the most widely used references on the subject. "
If you wanna even measure up to these guys shadows, you at least have to have the right blackjack accesories, especially a blackjack table. Here's a great one from Poker Chest.

This Blackjack Table with Folding Wood Legs and is constructed of solid oak with a black finish . It comes complete with padded armrests, padded wool felt, poker chip tray, and money slots.
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