The moments before the river (the last flop card) is turned over can be tense as hell. And while there’s an air of the unexpected going around the table, good players know the odds of the hand they are trying to pull. Want to join the ranks of the mathematically proficient? Check out the list of odds below, and you’ll be able to make better decisions about whether you want to stick a hand out to the end.
Odds of pulling common hands on the river
• Odds of pulling a straight on an open-ended draw = 4.8 to 1
o Example: You’re holding a 5–6 and the cards on the table are A-7-8-J. These are the odds that you will pull a 4 or a 9.
• Odds of pulling an inside straight = 10.5 to 1
o Example: In this situation, you are holding a 7-8 and the cards on the table are 6-10-2-K. Therefore, the only card that will get you your straight is a 9.
• Odds of pulling a flush when you are four to the flush = 4.1 to 1
o Example: Simple one here. You’ve got two hearts in your hand and there are two more hearts on the table. These are the odds that your prayers will be answered and another heart will turn up on the river.
• Odds of pulling two pair or trips when you’ve got a pair in the hole = 8.2 to 1.
o Example: In this scenario you need two pair or trips to win. You’re holding J-J and the board shows K-A-2-8. These are the odds that you will pull a J, K, A, 2 or 8.
• Odds of pulling trips when you’ve got a pair in the hole = 22 to 1.
o Example: This is a tough pull. In this scenario you need trips to win. You’re holding J-J and the board shows K-A-2-8. These are the odds that you will pull that magical Jack and win the day!
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