Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Blackjack: More Tips

People often forget that the game of Blackjack is just as much about what the dealer has as it is about your own hand. Keep these few concepts in mind at the blackjack casino table:

- Remember, ten is statistically the value that has the highest probability of being drawn or dealt. That's because there is 4 cards that have values of ten (10-King). So, it always makes sense to think as though the dealer's other card is a ten.

- When the dealer shows a low card (2-6) feel free to play more conservatively. If he's showing a six, he probably is making a 16, a hand that is very difficult to Hit on without going over 21. So, if you make a 16, don't bother hitting on it.

- When a dealer shows a ten value card, play more aggressively. Likely, his other card is above a 17, so you might want to make a risky play.

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