While most people will consider cheating as being "wrong", sometimes cheating is more about learning and pulling the wool over your mates than anything else. Get caught cheating at a World Poker tour and you get thrown out and in a lot of trouble! Cheat with your friends? And it's usually funny, especially if its played with REAL money! I'm not promoting cheating, but if you want to, here are a few things you need to consider doing! First there is the old "card up the sleeve" trick. Not everyone can do this, especially if you laugh at funny stuff.
If you do want to do this, you should wear long sleeves so you can hide the card(s) up there! You also will want to stick cards up your sleeve when you know you're going to lose. Then, once you have all the cards for something like a straight flush, take them out slowly and bet big! Another big and very popular cheat is the bum deal trick. Try not to make it TOO obvious, but when dealing the cars arrange it so you get the best cards. And lastly, you can try peaking at your opponents cards. I'll be honest, I've done this one!
You can purposely play in front of something with a mirror or glare which is going to be able to let you see their cards. You can also try this with a glass table as well, but if you are playing with casino poker tables you can also "accidentally" drop something on the floor and look up at their cards. Most people won't even know what you're doing! Collect your poker chips and make some money - you cheater you!