- When you got up and left and that old lady made the next spin and won a whole bunch of shiny coins – it wasn’t your win. You have had to hit the machine at the same exact fraction of the second that she did in order to get that money. You have more chances of winning the lottery.
- Take your time. There is no Play per Minute rate of success. Doesn’t matter how fast you feed the machine – your chances still relay on one factor only and her name is lady luck.
- Hit the button or pull the lever? Some prefer the old school method. Some go for high-tech. The casino goes for your money anyway.
- Here’s a sure way to win – order a free drink. And order an expensive one. If you lost some dollars on slots, why not spoil yourself with a fine, triple bourbon on the house?
- This one might actually work – try and bet the max amount. There are more winnable combinations with higher bets and they are always better.
- The loose machines myth. Some say that the loose machines are placed by the casino near the entrance, cashiers, bar or anywhere near people who are not playing, in order to get them to see winners and motivate them to play. I say that there’s a better chance of finding loose screw in the casino manager’s head.
- That card you stick in there, well ye, it’s actually money. Casinos are using machine credit cards on a nation that already has way more credit over its head. The fact that you don’t put green paper in the machine doesn’t mean that you are not gambling with real, hard earned money. Know your limit and get out while you still can. You might even be able to afford buying some roses to your wife.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Slot machine tips, tricks and urban myths.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Priest Plays Professional Poker
Some people will tell you that gambling is the root of all evil – just don’t tell that to Father Andrew Trapp, an assistant pastor at St. Michael Catholic Church in Garden City Beach, South Carolina. Father Trapp has found a way to use his skills at his favorite pastime to raise large amounts of much-needed funds for his church.
You see, while other priests may spending their time engaged in bible study or working with bake sales and other fund raising initiatives, Trapp went and auditioned for the hit Fox poker show, PokerStars Million Dollar Challenge.
After seeing his YouTube audition tape, producers fell in love with Father Trapp and immediately booked him to be a contestant on the show. Father Trapp sees it not only as an opportunity to build a new church, but as a means of drawing you men to serve God and their communities, “people across the country to see that there are still young men choosing to be priests, and that one can be joy-filled and have fun as one serves God.”
So far Father Pratt has won over $100,000 in the tournament and hopes to earn enough to begin the process of building a new church for his parishioners.
Looking for top poker chips, poker accessories and everything you need to hold the perfect home game? Visit www.pokerchest.com and choose from an amazing selection of clay chips, cards and more!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Poker Players Alliance Moves their Fight to Capitol Hill

Now, a group of hearty poker players looks to change all that. The Poker Players Alliance, a non-for-profit group, has come to Washington D.C. to plead their case – the case for the legalization and government oversight of online poker.
Made up of amateur players and well-known professionals, the Poker Players Alliance is visiting with various Senators and Congressman in an attempt to get them to see the benefits of legalization and regulation – namely, billions of dollars into potential tax revenue that in years past would have been lost because of the international hosts of the games.
While there is still a significant road to traverse – many government officials see online poker as a means of corrupting our youth – there is hope on the horizon. In particular, Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank supports the return of online gaming and has been quite active in restoring it to our national landscape, introducing a number of strong bills into the House and Congress.
What does the future hold? It’s hard to say. But one thing is for certain – the Poker Players Alliance won’t rest until the games are live and online once again!
Looking for an incredible selection of poker chips, poker tables and other gaming accessories? Visit www.pokerchest.com and find the highest quality gaming products and some of the lowest prices online.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
How can you tell a Poker Tell?
When you master Poker Tells, you master other players’ reactions. Poker tells can actually be more beneficial than cheating because it’s almost impossible to keep a true poker face and even if some players are able to conceal feelings and emotions, a lot of them forget that the body language matters as well.
So next time when you get the cards, hold your horses, try to look at the other players instead and spot poker tells. Your cards will be there later on, but some expressions and body language will be gone in a second.
- The first and most obvious tell is the reversed tell. When an opponent plays strong, most chances are that he is weak. When your opponent plays weak – most chances he’s got a pretty strong hand.
- Now take a look at the players around you. What they wear? Who they’re with? How they keep their cards and chips. Generally, a loose player will also appear loose, messy, have his chips all over and a tight player will have his chips stand like an army platoon.
- In poker, people are shaking because they are excited and not because they are afraid. So if you see a player’s hand shaking, you can bet he’s got a good one.
- Also notice that when players immediately look away from their cards, they often try to hide a good hand. And walk away if you see them stare at their chips – believe us, they are thinking about big money.
If you’re looking for more tips and poker tricks, visit us online at www.pokerchest.com where you can also find notable items such as custom poker chips, playing cards, dice, casino tables and tabletops, storage cases, and much more